Bypassing Her Smell Brain to Create Instant Desire

Warning: You'll Need to Get Women Off of You When You Smell Like THIS

We're standing in the kitchen...

She's got me pinned up against the fridge, hands on either side of me...

Then slowly, she leans in close, so close... I can make out all the little freckles on her face...

And she takes a deep breath, inhaling my scent...

Her big blue eyes are boring into mine, and all I see is lust and desire staring back at me...

She wants me... BAD...

And just an hour ago, I didn't even know her name...

So how is it that a normal, middle-aged guy like me comes to be in this situation?

I can promise you I'm nothing special to look at...

And I'm no celebrity or rich business tycoon either.

Truth be told, I'm just a normal small-town guy who happened to find a way to attract women with total confidence...

And the best thing about this method is that it lets me just be myself, and still get women to come over and talk to me, maybe even ask me out...

My name is Wes Armstrong, and I'm an entrepreneur of sorts...

And the biggest thing I've discovered that I want to share with you right now is this:

The key to sexual attraction and sexual confidence is smell.

Women have what scientists call a smell brain -- and smell bypasses her logical brain and gets right to her lizard brain...

...the most ancient, primal part of the brain...

And she is attracted to you without you having to do anything differently.

No pickup lines. No fancy conversational gambits. No expensive clothes.

She can't resist her smell brain -- it's biological. It's natural.

And that night, pressed against the fridge with that young beautiful woman's body pressing into mine...

...that was the moment I knew I had created a truly sexy scent...

An incredibly powerful "smell tool" that all men need to know about...

See, that night with her pinning me up against the fridge was proof of its power in action.

It works for two reasons...

One is that I love the scent and how it makes me feel.

I feel a powerful surge of testosterone whenever I pick up a waft...and I constantly want to smell my own sexy scent on myself!

It's super enjoyable to go through my day wearing this extraordinary scent...

And the second reason it works is that women love it, and I like to believe it acts on their unconscious smell centers...

At this stage, I should tell you about how women are driven wild by the right smell of a guy...

And who am I to keep this all to myself?

That's just not the way my parents raised me, growing up on a small farm deep in the heart of Missouri.

All I need is one good woman in my life, and I think there's more than enough women to go around for us all.

So what I'm saying is...

If you're single, you will be amazed by what this does for your dating life...

In no time at all, you'll have a loyal, loving girlfriend by your side.

And if you're more of the partying type of guy -- and hey, no judgement here... you can have several women in your life.

You'll easily have 2, 3, 4 girlfriends. As many as you want.

But beware -- because these women will be putting the moves on you...

So no more putting yourself out there, no more rejection...

You'll have your pick of the ladies, and younger guys will look at you with jealousy, wondering what in the world your secret is...

And for married guys and guys with girlfriends, this will turn your sex life up a notch... or two, or three...

You'll come home from work and she'll nuzzle your neck and whisper naughty things in your ear...

And the next thing you know, she's on top of you and you're taking her on an enjoyably rough ride between the sheets...

You'll wake up and she'll want you...

You'll go to sleep and she'll want you...

And she will turn into a new woman right before your eyes... seducing YOU for a change...

And it will be this way every day and every night, for the rest of your life...

Even if it's been years since you've been intimate...

Even if she's been sleeping in a different bedroom.

Even if she's long lost her enthusiasm for sex, or said she's "done with all that."

Because this smell secret I'm sharing with you today will change everything...

All you have to do is use a few drops of this smell tool I've created to boost your "smell appeal" and become more attractive to women.

A drop here, a drop there. Let it absorb and work its magic...

...while you yourself are enjoying the wafts and whiffs you pick up throughout the day going about your normal routine...

...except now there is nothing normal about the attention you're getting...

Girls are giving you googly eyes on the Metro...beautiful women are shooting you radiant smiles at the store...

Your wife or girlfriend is showing up at the office for a little lunchtime rendezvous.

And everywhere you go, you feel like you're the most desired man in the room.

Truly, it's that easy. In fact, I'm a living testament to it.

That night pressed up against the fridge -- I didn't do a thing!

I barely even gave her a passing glance, but it was enough to make her hunt me down...

But you should know that things weren't always this easy for me... not by a long shot...

Something happened to me several years ago that changed the way I see the world...

I was in Tokyo, Japan, where I lived for 10 years, and I experienced something that left a lasting effect on me...

You should know that in Japanese culture, dating is very different than in America or Canada, or anywhere else in the world...

Your relationship must begin with a public declaration of love, a confession they call it...

There is no touching or kissing or even holding hands before a confession of love is made.

You might hang out together in groups, but never alone. It's forbidden.

But once you make your confession, you can also make an invitation to hang out one-on-one and take it from there.

So being a single young man in Tokyo, I am of course very interested in dating one of the beautiful Japanese women living around me...

But back home in Missouri, I'd never been that good with girls.

I have very little dating experience to my name, and zero "game" as far as flirting goes.

Yet here I am, in a new country where the dating process is altogether different.

In fact, since the entire culture is different, I think maybe I have a chance...

Why not, when I see nerdy guys like me with beautiful women all the time here in Japan.

So I decide to declare my love to a beautiful Japanese girl named Yua...

Per Japanese custom, Yua and I haven't spent any time alone together.

But we've hung out in small groups many times and known each other for a year now.

So by this point, I'm confident she feels the connection between us.

I mean, how can she not? I feel the electricity between us every time she gets close.

So I screw up my courage and finally approach her in one of our group outings...

I confidently declare: "I love you. Can we start seeing each other?" as is custom in Japan...

But to my horror, Yua looks completely mortified by my declaration.

Her firm "no's" and violent head shakes are coming as quite a shock...

And suddenly I'm standing there realizing that I'm the butt of some joke...

Everyone has stopped to watch the Western man confess love to one of their own...

And now they are all smiling and laughing at her rejection of me.

They are glad...

There I am...rejected publicly, for everyone to see...

And do you know what that does to a man's confidence?

It's brutal... I don't know if you've ever experienced anything like it...

I hope you haven't -- but if you have, you know exactly what I'm talking about...

That day left me feeling so humiliated, so small, so ashamed...

So honestly, I never tried again... I lived a very quiet, lonely life in Japan...

And eventually, I moved back to Missouri to focus on my oil paintings and book collecting.

But this incident stayed with me... it damaged my pride and ruined my confidence.

It's made dating pretty much impossible for me, even back home in Missouri.

Because what's the point? No woman wants to be with a guy like me.

Girls pity guys like me. They don't want to sleep with someone they pity.

Still, that doesn't stop me from having urges like any man would...

Porn and masturbation only does the job for a while...

And it isn't long before I'm desperate for physical contact with a woman.

Truthfully, I'm depressed and in a bad place at this point...

My oldest and truest friend, Bill, starts to worry about me and comes to check on me.

He comes by and practically drags me out to his car one day with no warning.

"You look like shit," Bill tells me. "Now let's go."

Go where, I ask. But he refuses to tell me where we're going...

Bill drives us to a small, nondescript building in a part of town I'm not familiar with...

He has a determined look on his face and claps me on the shoulder in a brotherly way.

"Go inside that building, Wes. They know you're coming."

Who knows I'm coming, I try to ask, but he won't say anything more, so I'm forced to get out of the car.

Then he drives away, telling me to call him later...

..."when I'm done"...

I trudge up to the building and walk inside, and I'm shocked to see several beautiful women all smiling at me.

Are they waiting for me?

Suddenly, I'm painfully aware of how I must look -- all disheveled and dark circles under my eyes...

But if the women notice, they aren't mentioning it. They all just keep smiling and then one woman takes me down the hall.

She's older than the others, maybe in her late thirties, but she's still pretty.

As we walk, I think: A brothel... Bill took me to a brothel. Well, at least they won't say no...

And that thought makes me chuckle to myself which makes the woman look at me like I'm crazy.

Then we're inside the room, and she's closing the door and dimming the lights...

And now I'm really nervous... because it's been a long, long time since I've been with a woman...

But this woman is gentle, kind... she tells me her name is Tasha and that she's here to make me feel good.

And boy, does she... Tasha makes me feel good in about 10 seconds flat.

Which leaves me feeling ashamed, cheeks burning in the dark.

But she says we can talk for a while, so we do...

And somehow I end up telling her everything about Yua, and how I've never been good with girls.

And she's nodding and listening, and then she makes me feel good some more...

And afterward, when we're lying there, Tasha asks me if I've ever heard about "smell appeal"...

She says all I have to do to attract women is worry about how I smell. She says it's nature's way of choosing.

And I figure she's joking, so I laugh, and it isn't until hours later... when I'm back home, lying in my own bed in the dark...

...that I start thinking about what Tasha said again, about what kind of smell drives a woman wild when she smells it on a man...

For instance, have you ever heard of MHC?

It stands for major histocompatibility complex.

And basically, it's the lock a woman has, and you are the key that fits her lock, if she is compatible with your MHC...

And believe it or not, studies suggest that MHC is involved in a woman choosing a mate -- through olfactory cues...

Which means that there are certain scents that bypass a woman's conscious choosing brain...and it drives her lizard brain crazy with lust...

Certain natural scents from the body can actually create immediate sexual attraction in a woman, believe it or not, and it can help her choose a mate...

According to a group of researchers in Europe, "A man sees, but a woman smells."

In fact, it's been proven through experiments that a man's scent is the #1 factor for a woman when it comes to selecting a potential partner.

For example, when women were asked which of the 5 senses are most important in choosing a potential lover, the answer was overwhelming "smell."

Researchers studying the human brain suggest that women are able to detect a man's biological compatibility through signals in their odor.

And since I can't sleep, I'm in my study researching this MHC "smell appeal" idea...

Here's what I discover...

Animals also use scents to attract mates.

Certain scents called animalic accords can induce sexual arousal and encourage sexual activity.

So animals secrete certain scents to attract the opposite sex and get it on.

Like mice and moths, who put out chemical signals to draw in the opposite sex.

And pigs too. In one study, as soon as the female pigs got a mere whiff of the male's scent, they assumed the mating position!

And here's the crazy part... humans secrete hormones that have certain scents too... for very similar reasons!

Now we don't notice or smell these hormones in our daily lives -- it's not noticeable like body odor...

But still, our brains and bodies respond...

For example, when a woman gives birth, her nipples secrete special hormones with a scent that draws a newborn baby in...

So even moments after birth, the baby knows where to find the nipple and where to feed. By smell alone.

Crazy, right?

And there are even certain hormones that men secrete that are said to create a scent that is especially enticing to women...

So when a woman senses these hormones through her nose, her libido spikes...

...and she finds herself irresistibly attracted to whoever the scent is coming from...

Women are highly sensitive to these smell hormones, especially at the peak of her monthly cycle.

It's like a loud, strong mating call -- except it's a scent, not a sound...

It's an automatic biological response by the body that's helped our species survive for centuries.

And now I'm very interested... the idea of "smell appeal" has my full attention. So I dig even deeper...

I discover that the brain responds automatically to scents, through what scientists call the "cranial nerve O."

This is a nerve in the brain that responds to scent. It's also known as the terminal nerve.

And the terminal nerve runs from the nose directly up into the brain, right in front of the olfactory nerve that's responsible for smell.

This terminal nerve was first discovered in humans in 1913. So scientists have been studying this nerve for a long time.

And they've found through animal research that there is a strong sexual response to certain scents through the terminal nerve...

Scents like those animalic accords I mentioned earlier...

For instance, in a study with hamsters, the hamsters with a severed terminal nerve failed to mate. No more sex at all.

And in zebrafish, the males ejaculate immediately when the terminal nerve is zapped with an electric shock... fascinating...

So now I'm thinking: can I use a certain scent to stimulate the terminal nerve in a woman?

Just imagine how easy it would be to get a woman into bed if you could take advantage of this little biological hack...

You could tickle her terminal nerve through smell and BAM...

Her clothes are practically falling off and she's begging you to enter her.

But it has to be the right smell... it has to be our own natural hormones that women are undeniably attracted to...

And this is where it gets tricky... and where I need to spend a lot more time researching...

So I start looking into these male hormones that are secreted in our sweat...

The two different male hormones that attract women are androstenone and androstenol. Both are derived from testosterone.

Androstenol is in fresh male sweat, BEFORE it's been exposed to oxygen.

Androstenone is the hormone that is produced once the sweat oxygenates in the air.

And it is androstenol that women are more attracted to between the two.

That's why just getting all sweaty and gross and hoping women come up to you isn't practical.

It's the androstenol that really gets women aroused -- and it is so fleeting, most women aren't exposed to it long enough for it to have an effect.

But all this gets me thinking... can I find a way to isolate androstenol and strengthen it somehow?

I think back to that terrible day in Japan with Yua...

What if she was irresistibly attracted to me in a way that even she didn't understand?

What if her body reacted to certain hormones my body was secreting?

What if some deep biological part of her responded to my scent with uncontrollable arousal?

I imagine her falling into my arms and planting a sweet kiss on my lips...

I see our life flash before my eyes, what it could have been...

Needless to say, this idea quickly becomes my new obsession...

I spend every waking minute researching different hormones and scents and animalic accords, reading practically every piece of research that's ever been done.

I don't eat, I barely sleep, and I'm having to look up most of the words I'm reading to make any sense of it.

But I don't give up. If there's one thing I took back home with me from Japan, it's a hard work ethic.

So I give this everything I have... and quite honestly, it gives me a reason to go on... some purpose to my life...

And after months of study -- I won't bore you with the mundane details -- I have a strong theory in place...

I believe I can use certain animalic accords in a unique combination to trigger a woman's terminal nerve, and effortlessly attract her...

Without getting too sciency on you, these accords were discovered in animals...

...and in the animal kingdom these substances are how animals communicate and attract each other.

Think of animalic accords like nature's subliminal pick-up lines.

It's like overcoming evolution in a way...

It reactivates a lost, primal part of her body... her smell brain...

So suddenly she is irresistibly drawn to you by her nose... by the animalic accords she's smelling...

And she won't even realize that's the reason, but she will be wanting you anyway...

And it will give you incredible sexual confidence that betters your life in every way imaginable.

All I have to do is run a few tests to confirm... which requires getting my hands on different animalic accords to test...

So I board the next flight to Russia, of all places, to hunt down a man who harvests something called a castoreum accord...

So what is castoreum?

Castoreum is a compound secreted by beavers...

And I know that sounds gross, but it's actually a powerful hormone...

...and women are overwhelmingly attracted to the smell of it!

Castoreum accords have been described as smelling of vanilla and raspberry, along with hints of florals, musk, and even leather.

But what I'm most interested in is how castoreum makes other animalic accords smell stronger...

It naturally enhances the scent of whatever it's combined with.

Like the natural male hormone androstenol that women are biologically attracted to, perhaps?

It's long been thought of as an fact, castoreum accords were used in perfumes back in the 19th century because of this reason...

But now it's too exclusive and expensive to be mass marketed.

I finally got my hands on the best castoreum ever made.

Only then did I purchase several precious and costly liters of castoreum and ship it back home.

But I'm not ready to go home yet...

Next, I hop on a plane to a very exclusive lab in a secret location...

My goal? To study the civet accord this lab produces.

Civet is both an animal and an animalic accord. A civet cat secretes the scent from their perennial glands.

It's been described as radiant, velvety, floral... but most people describe it as musk.

And this musky accord is what I'm after -- from my research, I know that women are 1,000 times more sensitive to this smell than men.

And it has the power to strengthen other scents without overpowering them...

Like androstenol for instance? That's what I want to find out!

Interestingly, civet accords have been used in classical perfume making for centuries...

Most notably, civet was used in Chanel No. 5.

I do the legwork to procure the highest quality civet accords ever produced in the world.

And then I take several bottles home for my testing. But my journey is still far from over...

My next destination is Vietnam, where the highest quality deer musk accords can be found...

Deer musk is different from civet musk.

And this specific deer musk I'm after is much stronger and more potent than traditional musks.

In fact, the quality is so high, that this specific type of deer musk accord is almost impossible to find.

That's why I have to go all the way to Vietnam to find it.

This deer musk accord is penetrating and persistent, and it has the power to project other scents off the skin... androstenol for instance?

And that is why I am so fascinated by it -- and why I pay very handsomely for several bottles to take home with me.

To my nose, it smells sweet and floats through the air like a feather.

But researchers say that to women, it smells like sex.

And that's another reason why I've come all this way, to bring this special deer musk accord back home and test it.

So by the time I get back home to Missouri, I have dozens of other accords waiting for me that have been shipped from various places in the world.

Including these three key animalic accords -- castoreum, civet, and deer musk.

At this time, I have no idea that these 3 animalic accords are the ticket to creating a powerful smell tool.

It takes me months to test all of the accords, in different combinations and in different amounts.

But I have help thankfully...

Remember that brothel my friend Bill brought me to?

Well Tasha and the rest of the girls are willing guinea pigs for my smell tool experiments.

I take the different animalic accords and mix them up into different concoctions...

Then I take these mixtures into the brothel and have the girls smell each one, and then take notes on their responses.

Only Tasha really knew what I was trying to accomplish -- the rest just thought it was fun and I paid them well for it.

And one day, after studying all the results, my big breakthrough happens...

I realize that one specific combination of animalic accords has incredibly promising results...

And yes, you guessed it... it's the combination of castoreum, civet, and deer musk that women are responding to.

Just these 3 animalic accords on their own are enough to make women take a second sniff...

...and then they find themselves very attracted to the scent, wanting to smell more and more of it...

It creates a physiological response by their bodies, drawing them in... making them feel "turned on" and in the mood...

And now I'm thinking:

What if I could apply this specific scent to my skin to amplify my own male hormones, like women come up to ME for a change?

And the next thought that pops into my head is cologne.

I decide right then and there that I am going to create a cologne for men...

But not just any cologne...

An Attraction Cologne.

An Attraction Cologne just for men and only for men -- handcrafted from these very rare, very special animalic accords. create a scent that has power to enhance your natural sex appeal and attract women.

The goal is to only need a few drops and voila -- like magic, your wife or girlfriend will be all over you...

...or that new girl you just started talking to at the bar...

I get excited just thinking about it...

And finally, I now have the first few bottles of my special smell tool available...the world's first Attraction Cologne made for men who want to attract women...

Scent of Luxury

My Attraction Cologne allows its wearer to express himself in a way no man ever has before...

The aldehydes in the opening pair up with lemon and bergamot to create a crisp and clean sophisticated aura... that reflects the masculinity of a timeless gentleman, with an edge that draws you in...

The man we meet in the opening of this fragrance is refined and dependable...

He's an old friend who has lent a helping hand in building our communities, and he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty either...

Ever the cultured gentleman, he is efficient and determined, and we catch a glimmer of the adventurous life he returned from as the fragrance transitions...

...from the bright and refined top to the leathery and ambered character of the clary sage, which pairs with the minty/peppery character of the basil.

He seems to attract all whom he encounters as the invigorating green rosemary and woody petitgrain subtly encourages her to approach and take his words to heart...

Women automatically sense that he has a mysterious edge to him -- the tobacco and birch tar swirl around his chest...smoky, slightly sweet, dry and smooth...

...all aided by the chewy tonka bean which hides his raw and unbridled nature beneath a smooth and elegant tuxedo...

The cinnamon and rose intoxicate those around him, while those who get closer can feel the ferocity of his musk: costus, deer musk, castoreum and civet burning beneath his clothes...

The blood flowing through his veins is powerful -- aching to be free -- but the pine and nutmeg hide this virality beneath a forest of sweet tranquility.

And it is only then that we realize, alongside all who have spoken with him...

...that we have barely glimpsed the possibility of adventure and luxury which this most wanted man carries with him...

But above anything, we are ready and willing to learn...

This is the world's first Attraction Cologne...

My Attraction Cologne helps men attract women by "weaponizing" animalic accords like castoreum, civet, and deer musk in a unique way.

And every single one of these accords combine to create an intoxicating, alluring scent completely unique to you and your hormonal make-up.

I've found that using these particular animalic accords in this special formulation makes our own natural human hormones stronger...

...stronger and more powerful, so women have a stronger, more powerful reaction to our naturally sexy and attractive hormones.

Just a few drops on the skin creates a safe reaction involving the body's internal temperature...

The drops soak in, get warm, and make your natural hormones like androstenol exude from your skin to release the sexual attraction within...

The increase in temperature makes your skin sweat slightly... so that strong and intoxicating androstenol is amplified...

And this is what creates such a strong "smell" reaction in women.

Without even knowing why, women become irresistibly attracted to a man wearing a few spritzes of my revolutionary Attraction Cologne.

The castoreum, civet, and deer musk create this natural reaction, as well as adding other sexy accords to the mix that women overwhelmingly find attractive.

Which reminds me... I never did get to finish my story...

So she's got me pinned up against the fridge, and I'm wearing a few drops of my Attraction Cologne...

It's working its magic and she's whispering dirty suggestions in my ear.

And because she's making all the moves, my nerves have evaporated.

In fact, I've never felt this confident in my entire life.

Next thing you know, we're outside in the car, my pants down around my ankles.

She's acting wild -- sucking me, rubbing me, humping me like an animal in heat.

Then we're going at it and she's making so many noises, I worry about getting caught.

But then I think -- who cares? I've been waiting my whole life for this!

And then I lose myself in the ecstasy of having a woman want you just as bad as you want her.

What a feeling, what a night...all thanks to my Attraction Cologne...

After that night, I knew I had created something revolutionary...

This was my very first real-life experiment wearing my Attraction Cologne and I am BLOWN AWAY by the results.

Who knew this would be so powerful, so easy, so effective!

Even in my wildest dreams, I didn't think it was possible.

This Attraction Cologne has changed everything for me... and now...

Becoming the Man

The feeling I get wearing my Attraction Cologne is almost indescribable...

It's like putting on your favorite suit and feeling transformed.

With just a few spritzes, I am standing taller, more relaxed, more confident...

When I walk into a crowded room, heads turn, men and women alike...

I see women close their eyes and breathe deeply when I pass by...

And when I catch a whiff of myself in an elevator, I see why...

The scent is so intoxicatingly unique and primal, it makes you want to keep smelling yourself...

It draws you into yourself, unleashes your very essence into the atmosphere...

...while the gravity of your aura pulls others into your orbit...

They can't fight it even if they wanted to...

You are the most wanted man alive, wherever you go...

For the first time ever, you can try my Attraction Cologne for yourself.

I've finally got the final product bottled and ready to ship to anyone in the United States.

So now you can try out this Attraction Cologne and see what it does for your "smell appeal" with women.

I think you will find that women are paying you more attention than ever before, complimenting you more...

...going out of their way to make sure you notice them...

You can rest assured knowing there's nothing else in the world quite like the world's first Attraction Cologne.

There are many colognes and perfumes out there... but none that are designed with science in mind to make men more attractive to women.

None with this unique blend of animalic accords specifically designed to be the world's first Attraction Cologne.

And this is just the first Attraction Cologne in a line I'm calling Armstrong Animalics.

It is an artisanal Attraction Cologne, which means it is handmade with the utmost care, using the highest quality animalic accords that are very costly and difficult to find.

It is not like designer colognes where they are all made in a factory at rapid speed, mass produced, and sold at every local department store in the country. Attraction Cologne is different...

The world's first Attraction Cologne is in a class of its own.

My Attraction Cologne is unique and truly one-of-a-kind. It cannot be bought in a mall or a grocery store.

And unlike other colognes, my Attraction Cologne does not contain any harmful chemicals or unnatural additives.

I would never allow that. I don't want to put those kinds of chemicals on my own body, so I would never expect you to.

And I think you will be amazed by the immediate reaction you get from women once you spritz it onto your skin.

If you're married or have a girlfriend, she may fall in love all over again once you give this a try...

And if you're single, you will no longer be having to whip out your wallet and pay for a fancy dinner...

Women will be coming up to you for a change and trying to skip dinner to go straight to dessert.

And I think you'll agree with me that my Attraction Cologne smells incredible...

Don't be surprised if your woman tries to wear this herself!

I'm so thrilled that my Attraction Cologne is finally getting out to the world.

And I am hoping that you try it and are blown away by what you experience.

Click here to get the world's first Attraction Cologne today

I am hoping that a few months from now, when you enter a room, maybe a bar or a restaurant filled with young people... will feel in your heart a total and complete confidence that you have the sex appeal and mojo that other men lack.

I want you to feel better than other guys, so that you can look your wife or girlfriend in the eye...

...and you know and she knows she will have the time of her life when she goes to bed with you.

And this will happen night after night, month after month, year after year for the rest of your life.

That's what I'm after. I'm after your personal success with this offer.

Then I want you to write me a testimony, so that I have it for use for other men who are thinking of trying out my Attraction Cologne.

And remember, you're going to get phone and email support so you can't go wrong.

Any questions, any comments, any compliments -- we're all ears.

If you try this out, you will be very happy and thrilled that you did.

So now, go ahead and get the world's first Attraction Cologne

Everything that we do is confidential and private.

We never share your information. And your financial information is fully encrypted with the same military grade encryption used by

We ship right away and when it arrives, it will be in a plain small box that is very discreet.

The credit card statement will have our toll free number on it in case you want to call us or reorder.

And now, if you're still here, let me answer a few questions that come up for men who want to be super successful with my Attraction Cologne...

How do I apply the Attraction Cologne?

All you need is a few spritzes on your neck, your chest, maybe your hair...

Some guys prefer 8-10 spritzes, while other guys only prefer 2-3.

Can I apply it to clothes?

Yes. I actually prefer applying my Attraction Cologne to my clothes instead of my skin, but it is all personal preference depending on the guy.

How often do I put it on?

You only need to apply my Attraction Cologne once or twice a day.

How long does the scent last? Do I have to reapply?

The scent typically lasts 8-10 hours. You may want to reapply after that, especially if you've been working out, doing physical labor, or getting busy in the bedroom.

How do I store the Attraction Cologne?

My Attraction Cologne should be stored in a cool, dry place -- preferably not in your bathroom. The bathroom gets a lot of moisture and heat from the shower and is never a good place to keep a cologne.

Does the Attraction Cologne contain real animalic accords?

The Attraction Cologne contains real animalic accords that I have personally and thoroughly researched and sourced. These accords are powerful and have been instruments of attraction in the animal kingdom for millions of years.

How much will this improve my life?

I think you'll find that wearing just a few spritzes of this cologne makes women start looking at you in a totally different way...

When you go to the gym and work out, women are watching you, using the equipment close to you, maybe even asking you for pointers...

And when you're out with your wife or girlfriend, she can't keep her hands off you...she wants everyone around to know you're hers and only hers...

Everywhere you go, your natural scent will be amplified and drawing women in like moths to a flame...

And you will feel a confidence you've never felt before but always wanted.

Should I keep using this even after I'm thrilled with the results?

My Attraction Cologne only works when you're wearing it...

So the longer you wear it, the better things will be!

I suggest that if you want to keep having to fend off beautiful women, you keep wearing my Attraction Cologne.

Otherwise, you may find yourself back at square one...striking out with the wrong women while the right women pass you by...

So now my question to you many more lost opportunities, more loneliness, and more disappointments are you willing to endure?

How long will you let yourself be unfulfilled and unsatisfied, spending your life alone?

How many times must you think, "Not me, I can't do that with her, I don't even dare try?"

Life is too short to keep passing up these opportunities to connect intimately with a woman.

So I designed this Attraction Cologne to give you the confidence you need to make the most out of the opportunities given to you.

That's my little mission in the world, to make that happen.

And since one day I hope to have my own kids and grandkids, I'll be telling my boys about my Attraction Cologne, of that you can be sure.

I will be sharing everything I've learned about the smell brain and how women can be driven wild just by animalic accords...

I think it's incumbent upon us dads and granddads to make sure that we pass on these important secrets to our sons...

Oh... and one more thing....

The company I'm working with, Ideal Male Labs, it's a family-run company with a perfect reputation.

Their goal is to help men get ahead in their lives and enjoy a life that they thought they were done with forever.

And right now, our mission is to get my Attraction Cologne to as many men as possible.

I do hope you'll accept our invitation.

Click here to get the world's first Attraction Cologne

I'm really looking forward to helping you on your journey to a better and more fulfilling life...

...a life with more sex, more interaction from women, more pleasure...

There's no need to wait a moment longer. I really want you to join me right now, this very moment.

My Attraction Cologne is totally different than anything you've ever seen and maybe you're starting to imagine how you'll use it in your own life...

Get the world's first Attraction Cologne right now

I'm really looking forward to helping you as well on your journey to a better and more fulfilling life as a man.

Hopefully, you'll look back at this moment and see it as a turning point in your life.

The day you decide to become the most desirable man in the room, anywhere you go.

I promise you, that after you apply the first drop of my Attraction Cologne to your skin...'ll automatically with no effort gain a newfound confident feeling you didn't even have when you were a very young man...'ll have a sense of manliness that puts a swagger in your step...

...and you'll be able to get any woman into bed whether she's your wife, your girlfriend, or a girl you just met...

Anything is possible when you're wearing my Attraction Cologne.

Click here to get the world's first Attraction Cologne right now