"Claim Your FREE Tinder Audio Course That Reveals the 6 Profile Pics AND The 5 Messages I Used to Sleep With 3 Girls from Tinder in Just 9 Days + Your FREE Copy of Richard LaRuina's Bestselling Book The Natural"


It's so easy to get this 37-Minute audio course for FREE:

Richard went from THIS...

To THIS...

I used the following two techniques from his 212-page book The Natural to sleep with a 19-year-old college girl AND a hot 22-year old makeup artist who had brutally friendzoned me...and then changed her mind...

You'll find the Self-Obsessed Relating Technique on page 104 of Richard's book The Natural.

You'll find the Just This Once Girl Technique on page 160 of Richard's book The Natural

P.S. I received my FREE copy of The Natural two weeks ago. What about you? 

P.P.S. Yes, both Richard's bestselling book AND my Tinder audio course are FREE. There is no catch.

Sebastian Harris

Your Friend and Coach,
Sebastian Harris